炙り 屋 錦 乃介

炙り 屋 錦 乃介

# Ingredient and Instruction of 炙り 屋 錦 乃介 ## Ingredients - 2 cups of white rice - 1 ½ cups of water - 2 tablespoons of sake - 2 tablespoons of mirin - 1 teaspoon of salt - 2 tablespoons of soy sauce ## Instruction 1. Wash the rice and drain off the water. 2. Add the rice and water to a pot or rice cooker and cook it until the rice is cooked. 3. Once the rice is cooked, add the sake, mirin, salt and soy sauce and mix it in. 4. Spread the cooked rice on a baking sheet and place it under a preheated broiler for 5 minutes. 5. Serve the 炙り屋錦乃介 in a bowl and enjoy! This traditional Japanese dish is a delicious and easy way to enjoy a simple meal. The combination of sake and mirin gives the rice a sweet yet savory taste and the broiling adds a nice and crispy texture. It is a great side dish to any meal or even just a snack. Give it a try and enjoy the unique flavor of 炙り屋錦乃介! We hope you enjoyed learning about the ingredient and instruction of 炙り 屋 錦 乃介. Cooking can be a great way to spend time with family and friends. Try experimenting with different ingredients and flavors to see what you can create. Happy cooking!

炙り 屋 錦 乃介

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